Our in-house light laboratory offers a wide range of measurement & testing possibilities depending on case-specific needs. The laboratory is well equipped, having an integrated sphere and various driver testing devices. For our customers, we offer light source and luminaire testing. As a part of our quality process, we measure a certain number of components from every production batch to systematically check that our products remain uniform, high-quality, and within the specifications.

EPREL registration
Or maybe you need to find out your light source’s electrical parameters for EPREL (European Product Registry for Energy Labelling) registration?
In order to complete the registration, there are several obligatory product parameters to be filled which require precise and reliable testing data. We’ll supply you a full coverage testing report, which you can also use in the technical documentation part of EPREL database. In addition, we can guide you through the EPREL registration process step-by-step by offering hands-on consultation services.

Measurements and testing service
We can provide you with a full range of measurement & testing services for your luminaire or just for a single light source. The easy-to-grasp measurement results will help you to precisely determine the current parameters of your luminaire. Based on the results, we can give you advice on re-design options or upgrading possibilities for better photometric values – and higher quality of light.
In our laboratory, our highly skilled experts can measure your luminaires even up to two meters in length and give you information e.g. on lumen output, efficacy, color rendering index, and color temperature.